African Immigrants in Argentina Post-Slavery: An Old-New Odyssey

  • Alain Lawo-Sukam Texas A & M University


In this interdisciplinary article, I address the less known migration of Africans in South America, especially in Argentina. This is significant because studies on African migrations have focused mainly on European and North American routes (north-south), living aside south-south paths. The complex experience of the first African immigrants in Argentina relates to a certain extent and also contrasts with the recent migrations of the twenty-first century. Because of (post)colonial history, collective/personal experience and stories, African immigrants are finding new homes in Argentina. However, recent changes in immigration policies relaxed under previous governments could jeopardize this el dorado. This article also intends to re-frame studies on African immigration in Argentina that have concentrated their attention on Sub-Saharans and left aside North African as well as South African (Boers) experiences. I argue that to talk about African diaspora (hi)story in Argentina is to embrace Africanness in its totality and complexity, as well as embracing Pan-Africanism beyond Pan-Negroism. This study takes into consideration the framing questions on migration raised by Hasia Diner, Kim Butler, Caroline Brettell, and James Hollifield which includes the reasons for and conditions of the dispersal. The article is also based on eclectic sources combining personal experience, interviews, archival sources, history, and critical analysis.

Author Biography

Alain Lawo-Sukam, Texas A & M University
Dr. Alain Lawo-Sukam is an Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Africana Studies. He holds a Ph.D in Spanish from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His area of concentration is Hispanic Studies with a specialty in Afro-Hispanic literature and culture. He is the author of Hacia una poética afro-colombiana: el caso del Pacífico (2010) and creative writing books Sueño con África. Dream of Africa. Rêve d'Afrique (2013) and Mange-Mil y sus historias de tierra caliente (2017). He is the author of several articles and book reviews published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. He is also a member of the editorial boards of The Coastal Review, Advances in Literary Study, L'Érudit franco-espagnol, and has served as manuscript reviewer for Callaloo, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Revistas de Estudios de Literatura Colombiana , Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica and the College of Arts, University of El Valle (Colombia). He is a recipient of numerous grants and awards; among the most recent are the Hispanic Studies Research Enhancement and High Impact Research Grants, the Texas A&M University System Teaching Excellence Award, CLA Faculty Research Enhancement, CLA Summer Institute for Instructional Technology Innovation, GCHR/RESI Stipendiary Faculty Fellowship and the Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities (PESCA). He was elected for five years as a member of the Executive Committee of the Modern Language Association, where he served as Secretary and Chair of the African Division.


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